Monday, June 16, 2014

Drifting Away

Society is bent upon the reduction of Jesus Christ within Christianity. The church has become infiltrated by the doctrine of demons (1 Timothy 4:1). Homosexuality is promoted and endorsed, Scripture is contorted, anger towards righteousness and truth in Jesus is rampant while cold, abusive, self absorbed lives permeate the pews.

The world considers a believer of Jesus, who does not yield to their overwhelming influence, an outcast worthy of ridicule and shun. And they herald a new way to God by coming together unified under one faith, by manipulating God's Word to correlate with darkness and evil. Such are the teachings of deceiving spirits set forth in efforts to lead the elect away. And, in many cases, they have succeeded.

The church has been brought into disrepute by liars, cheats, swindlers, and carnal leaders (2 Peter 2:2). They step forth into the limelight rather than the Light of Jesus Christ. They purse the name of the One and Only upon their lips while their hearts are corrupt with selfish ambition, greed, pride, and just flat out darkness. Many discerning, faithful Christians know all this to be true.

What is to be done then? Is not the great apostasy and drifting away prophesied within the pages of Scripture? Yes it is, and given this, we are not to be discouraged or overrun with worry. The Ancient of Days knew this would be the case, told us about it beforehand, and has everything in hand-- working towards the completion of His sovereign will.

However, this does not give us license to sit idly by, waiting and watching, without standing in the gap on behalf of those led astray by false teachers. The Lord is the storm on the horizon. Do you not see it? Can you not feel it in your bones? If so, how can we allow apathy rule the day? Shouldn't we, as faithful brethren in Christ Jesus, reach out in courage and boldness to those being misled by malcontent miscreants? The Lord is coming, and that right soon! The forecast is the fulfillment of His Word.

Scoffers are here ridiculing and persecuting us. They say, "Where is the coming He promised?" (2 Peter 3:4)

"The Lord is not slow in keeping His promise, as some understand slowness. He is patient...not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance" (2 Peter 3:9).

With this being the desire of our Savior, shouldn't we proclaim Him to those being dragged away by Satan's cohorts with false religion, carnality, feel good spirituality, and spiritual adultery?

"The day of the Lord will come like a thief. The heavens will disappear with a roar; the elements will be destroyed by fire, and the earth and everything in it will be laid bare. Since everything will be destroyed in this way, what kind of people ought (we) to be?" (2 Peter 3:10-11)

We should not become apostles of apathy toward mankind. We should be on guard against fallacies, preaching Christ in truth, instead of allowing the apostasy to steam roll others into a fearful judgement. The time is here. The time is now. We as heirs of God the Father, and coheirs with Jesus, are soon to be caught up out of this world, escaping judgement. In the power of God the Holy Spirit, we need to proclaim boldly, and proudly, the message of Christ. That it is by Him and through Him we are to be saved. "Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to men by which we must be saved" (Acts 4:12).

Friday, June 13, 2014

Merging Into One Religion Is The Tickling Of Ears

I've been absent from my blog for a while...I'm trying not to become tethered to the net.   But every now and then,  I have something on my mind that needs penning out.

My blog is entitled Convoluted Christianity because of the apostate age in which we all live.  Many false teachers have reared their heads watering down the gospel of Christ preaching peace between faiths.  God is spoken of as love without mention of His holiness and righteousness. Such teachings are lies by omission.

Yes, God loves but not at the sacrifice of His nature.  The faiths of the world cannot, and must not, be seen as serving the same God.  The Triune God is not a mixture of human beliefs, interpretations, or paths leading unto Himself.  Scripture is His Word, not His manifesto up for debate.  There is only one Jesus and He is not the sugared down version the world portrays.  He is the King of the universe, of all creation.  He is powerful and not to be taken lightly.

It is heretical to bring religions together as one when all are different.  Islam cannot mix with Chritianity, nor Buddihism, Hinduism, Mormonism, Jehovah Witnesses,  and so on and so forth.  There is only one way to Father God and that is Christ Jesus.  Sugar coating Scripture to appease the masses is outrageous.  We are living in the age of the great apostasy.  Many are drifting away, because of preachers and leaders like Rick Warren, Joel Osteen, Benny Hinn, the Pope,  Rod Parsley etc..  Some preach motivational sermons with holy sacraments for sale to bless lives,  others promote world unity through the bridging of faiths melting into one.  Sure, on face value some men teach Christ,  yet with closer examinations they prove to be agents of Satan masquerading as agents of righteousness.

Listen closely, examine actions,  and know Scripture.  The times are coming to fruition with Christ Jesus' return imminent.  Christless Christians are everywhere quoting Scripture decieving many.  I mean Satan knows the Bible frontwards and backwards...twisting, manipulating,  and convoluting verses through false teachers and prophets,  just as he did face to face with Jesus in the wilderness. Filter men's words through their obedience to Christ Jesus.  You will know them by their fruit.

Links to support found at my Facebook page "Convoluted Christianity "