Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Age of Denouncement

(excerpt from my unpublished book, Convoluted Christianity)

Are you an apostate?  Huh?  Meaning, have you fallen away from your faith?  Have you denounced your relationship with Jesus?  Have you been led to His waters to quench your thirst and decided to gorge your stomach with Satan’s canteen of lies?  Do you live in accordance to God’s Word or are you a lover of the world?  Are you misled by false doctrine, false faith—lies?  Do you even know if you are on the path to hell or have you been blinded by the devil’s deceit?  Remember, if you claim to be a Christian, you had better examine your beliefs in the light of Jesus. 

Look at the world around you.  No, let’s be more specific for now.  Look at America.  Our motto is “In God We Trust."  Nothing could be further from the truth.  America trusts in itself.  It is a nation bent on me, me, me.  Technology is progressing at such a rate interpersonal connection is practically obsolete.  Rarely do you find a person without a cell phone to their ear or their head buried downward typing out texts.  Computers are the new god of choice.  Everything is instantaneous, we are junkies for immediacy.  We claim freedom is our right, yet we freely relinquish our lives to the cyber world.  We are chained to our phones, computers, twitter accounts, Facebook pages, emails, texts—we have shackled ourselves and Satan could not be happier.  He has distracted our thoughts of Jesus with ease.  Technology at heart is not evil, but what we are doing with it is. 

At this nation’s start, we fundamentally had God at the core.  In turn, God blessed this nation with growth incomparable to any other country, just look at our history.  Yet, as the years have progressed our faith has regressed.  We claim “In God We Trust” and spit in His face every day by rejecting His Son as the Christ.  We live out our lives our way, demanding God change His—man, this nation is arrogant.  With the same mouths we profess Christianity and spew out profanity.  With the same knees we bow to God in prayer yet worship technology. 

We have no regard, no appreciation of God’s earth—we pollute it for the almighty dollar, we destroy it for profit.  We carouse in drunken, drug-induced stupors, partaking of sex-filled lifestyles blaming God for the consequences of STD’s and unplanned pregnancies.  We wag our fingers at Him in disgust for allowing rapists, murderers, kidnappers, and the like to go free due to a corrupt justice system.  Not to mention how politicians love to play the Christian card while running for office, yet when elected their true colors shine.  Our government is one of injustice, one catered to the wealthy, one catered to the lobbyists who represent large corporations and our elected officials are steeped in what’s right in their eyes, rather than the eyes of those who elected them.  And all this under the motto, “In God We Trust”—please. 

We are an egocentric society.  We want what feels good and we want it now.  Tell us we are wrong and suffer the backlash of fury, hate, and exile.  America does not trust in God.  It serves the gods of this age—technology and pleasure. Take a gander at the youth of today.  Rebellious, self-seeking, violent, obsessed with the here and now, and make no provision for tomorrow.  They love to fight and revel in violence.  Their favorite forms of entertainment are games that feature murder and war, movies that glorify care and consequence free lives, and clubs where alcohol, drugs, and sex run rampant.  We take up for them by claiming such lifestyles and entertainment are not the cause for our nation’s woes.  Let me tell you, if you consistently fill your mind with such, your spirit is stained.    Our hearts are the well-spring of our lives, we must guard them fiercely (Proverbs 4:23).  If they are tainted, then the waters that flow forth are corrupted with the vile we mixed in with them. 

Many claim to be followers of Jesus, yet vehemently cry out in rage when the one and only truth is put in front of them.  How can those who partake of the world, crave its pleasures, and fall for Satan’s lies be Christian?  How can Christian fight against Christian over doctrine clearly stated in Scripture?  How can a society so bent on itself, so warped by desire, and mutilated truth of Jesus Christ be Christian?  It simply cannot be.  This nation is one of partying, depravity, sexual immorality, homosexuality, swindlers, murderers, liars, cheats, drunkards, deniers of solid Biblical doctrine.   

Countless so-called Christians are lost.  They never accepted Christ as their Savior—that He is the only way, the only truth, and the only life—they are Christless Christians, apostles of apathy.  Absolutely no if’s, and’s, or but’s about it.  Get mad all you want, reject my words all you want.  At the core, it’s not me you are mad at, but God (1 Thessalonians 4). 

The world today treads the path of the wicked (Proverbs 4:14-15).  We as Christians are to avoid the wide path that leads down to destruction of souls, but what does the majority do— travel on it, live on it, make their beds on it.  So-called Christians eat the bread of wickedness and drink the wine of violence (Proverbs 4:17).  They raise their children to serve God but their life-style examples teach the way of the devil.  Grown children end up falling away from the faith, because they have not been taught the ways of the Lord.  The path of the saved should be one that shines Christ’s presence from within like the first gleam of dawn, but instead they have chosen the way of the unsaved falling into deep darkness—they have no idea what is making them empty inside, so joyless, so unclear of why they keep tripping (Proverbs 4:18-19). 

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