Monday, September 9, 2013

Aftermath of Disobedience

Read Isaiah chapter five.  Although it refers to the nation of Israel, many similarities can be drawn to the state of the universal church.  Keep in mind, the nation of Israel is God’s chosen people.  If He deals with their neglect of His favor, He will definitely deal with a world who utterly denies Him. 

Today’s Christians have received the gift of grace and mercy in a world ripe with sin.  Jesus has planted the Word of Truth only to see it trampled underfoot with suspicion and denial.  God is love; He “did not send His Son to condemn the world, but to save the world through Him” (John 3:17).  There will be a time of judgment, but now is the time of salvation.  Christians should reach out in self-denial not Christ-denial.

There is coming a time where the world and its Christless Christians, who bear no fruit, will be judged harshly.  These are the ones who received the message of Christ on face value.  They turn from the faith and claim Christ’s truths are up for debate.  God will destroy their hedge of self-spiritualization.  He will break down their walls of man-made religion.  He will trample them under His foot.  He will make them a wasteland—neither pruned nor cultivated.  Briers and thorns of bitterness will fill the soul.  Hate will fester in place of peace, contentment, and clarity.  All God sees and hears are cries of judgment against Him—He has and will turn a deaf ear to false Christians saying, “I never knew you” (Matthew 7:15-23). 
Denial and Consequence
If eighty percent of America is Christian, and thirty-three percent1 of the world follows suit, then why do so many taunt God with their deeds and demand action from Him?  They live like “hell” and expect Him to answer their prayers.  God does not answer to us.  So, what happens?  Many go their own way saying the God of Scripture does not exist.  He is unkind, too demanding, and uncaring.  His way of salvation is a farce—Jesus is not the only way.  This makes God (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit) out to be a liar.  They mutate Scripture to satisfy their own twisted hearts.  Jesus is aped into a self-serving, hypocritical religion. 
They claim to follow Jesus and deny His deity asserting, “God’s Word has been mistranslated,” or “How can man write an inerrant book,” or “God’s Word is outdated,” or “There are many interpretations—it just depends on how you look at it.”  All outrageous!  First of all, if you believe in a God, which many of these so-called Christians do, then how is it you can’t perceive Him to be capable of inspiring man (His creation) to write infallible words?  How is it you can’t admit that same God can provide avenues for His Word to be passed down through translation without error?  How can you claim God, who does not change (James 1:17), to have given us a Word that would become outdated?
“All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting, and training in righteousness so that the man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work” (2 Timothy 4:16).  “For the word of God is living and sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart” (Hebrews 4:12). 
This irritates the sinews of those rebellious to God.  They want what they want and God precludes them of such.  His word cuts deep and to avoid their desires from being carved out, the Bible is contested as errant, outdated, or just outright manipulated.  Then, they turn on true Christians, who speak the truth, calling them narrow-minded, prejudiced, and bigoted.  They repose in the shelter of free will calling their actions good and those who confront them as bad.  They cast the Son of God and His flock aside, persecuting them while heralding their wicked ways as the new way to God.  Their arrogance as to their way superior to Gods will pave their road straight to hell.
Such patterns of thought and subsequent actions will set you ablaze in the end.  As dry grass curls and withers in the fire, souls will decay in this life and the next.  No wonder depression, constant searches for happiness, and complete feelings of emptiness course rampant through today’s world.  All understanding has blown away like dust replaced with refuse.   All the while, people will cling to false ideals of Christ hoping lies will answer their cries for help.
God has turned an unresponsive ear to false devotions.  “If anyone turns a deaf ear to the law (Jesus), even his prayers are detestable” (Proverbs 28:9).  He has turned His back to charlatan Christians, because they deny who He really is—they no longer pray to the one and only God, they utter to empty air.  Because of belief in babblings, the world has caused its own demise.  The soul’s grave has “enlarged its appetite” and “opened its mouth without limit” (Isaiah 5:14).  Many will go down to the pits of hell thinking their way is better than Gods.  One day, eyes and ears will be opened.  The unsaved and conceited “man will be brought low and mankind humbled, the eyes of the arrogant humbled” (Isaiah 5:15).
God is merciful or the world would not have received Jesus as the light of salvation.  But limits have been set.  Before long, a day of judgment will be called for.  God’s holiness requires satisfaction.  The end times are here.  I’m not saying it will be tomorrow or next year or even in my lifetime—but it could be.  No man knows the day, but we are given signs to filter the times through. 
Mature, faithful followers of Christ are able to read the signs like meteorologists read weather patterns; or how doctors are able to read the signs of any particular sickness.  The world has a sickness and it is called self-importance.  Without Christ Jesus as your cure, your soul is terminable.  The spiritual weather patterns forecast Christ’s return and the coming storm on the horizon for those left behind after the rapture of believers.  We have warnings all about us, yet so many choose to ignore and turn from their sin.  We are blinded by desire, science, technology, machinery, false teachers, apostasy, aped truths of Jesus Christ.  So things get worse, the world’s disease goes unchecked and the cancer of denial spreads. 
God exists, Jesus is who He says He is.  Refusal of Him causes the Holy Spirit to crush souls and the Father to punish His creation.  He turns nation against nation swiftly and speedily—not one of them grows tired of killing or dying for their cause.  The roar of hate is in unison around the world.  Rage growls, seething with many a devised plan for horror.  Terrorists are everywhere like a roaring sea and they are quick to implement death.  There are clouds of bombs, terrorist’s attacks, missiles, gun fire in unsuspecting public squares.  There is absolutely no light of hope except through Jesus.  But the world deems Him as an unfit route of salvation.  All will continue to worsen—wait and see.
If you are on the fence, why choose Satan over Christ?  Ultimately, that’s what it boils down to—the devils arrogance or Jesus’ humility.  There is time now to make the wise choice, repent and turn to the Lord.  “If we claim to be without sin, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us.  If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness” (1 John 1:8-9).


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