The unsaved have no right to stake claim or recite God’s laws or loosely take Jesus on their lips.
Changing Jesus words, changing Scripture to meet one’s desired way of life, following false teachers, listening to twisted truths, does not predicate salvation. Misled malcontents of God’s instruction are the reason many spurn Him.
How do they do that, you ask? By creating knock-off religions such as The Church of the Latter Day Saints, Jehovah’s Witnesses, Unitarian Universalist, Gnosticism, Worldwide Church of God, Presbyterian USA, The Way International, Chrislam and more. All have different standpoints, but all wreak of error by teaching Christ is but a prophet, or claiming Christ reappeared appointing new apostles, or denying the existence of hell, or accepting homosexuality, or giving creed to interfaithism, or denying Scripture's inerrancy and so on.
I do not plan to get into the logistics of each “religion” and their belief system; I only mention them to show how many false avenues there are incongruent with Scripture. This incomprehensive list doesn’t even include atheism. They flat out deny the existence God, a pattern of thought even demons reject.
God is long-suffering and gives people time to see the error of their ways. The unrighteous and unsaved live out their lives free of punishment thinking God is on their side—wrong! Go to His word, their schemes and practices are of the devil.
Many people accept homosexuality as the norm and sexual immoral behavior as a legitimate lifestyle. Others claim Christianity as a means to financial gain—business contacts through the church or Christ as a career; others are just swindlers, liars, cheats, drunkards, adulterers, and the like. And all this is done under the presumption of Christianity.
They are misled, they are wrong. They will be spurned, chastised, and rebuked in the end—Jesus will accuse them straight to their faces. One cannot love the world and its ways claiming to have Christ as their Savior—simply cannot be done (1 John 1:15-17). Those who ape His truth, those who forget Him, those who deny Him will be torn to shreds with their deeds leveled against them. But those who honor Christ and accept Him will be vindicated of their faith.
Forget worship on face value. God desires and requires heart worship. If our hearts and minds are set upon Jesus, our actions will follow suit. Do not allow the world to dictate God’s stone-set way of salvation. Following the world’s deluded way of being supreme to Jesus will cost you dearly in the end. Don’t be blinded by technology and bad persons living in ease while the saved are persecuted. Study, know, and live by God’s Word--be imitators of Jesus Christ.
The Bible is truth—the very nature of God is at stake when people twist and contort His absolutes. One must believe the Holy Spirit will reveal more and more to which only believers of Jesus will be tuned in to hear and understand. But many have cast doubt on Scriptures, questioning God’s ability to provide His creations with an infallible text. If you are one of these who promote or permit such actions, know this:
“The mocker seeks wisdom and finds none…” and “There is a way that seems right to man, but in the end it leads to death” (Proverbs 14:6a, 12).
Your way may create avenues for a guilt-free lifestyle, but you will find no life through Jesus, only death through the devil. To cast suspicion on Scripture, is to call God an incompetent trickster who can create the universe, yet is incapable of inspiring His creations to pen the Bible. If this is your mindset, you had better enjoy life because the other side of time will be hell.
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