Thursday, August 29, 2013

Faith Trumps Doubt

The Bible is truth—our understanding of God is at stake when people twist and contort His absolutes.  One must believe the Holy Spirit will reveal more and more to which only believers of Jesus will be tuned in to hear and understand.  But, many have cast doubt on Scriptures, questioning God’s ability to provide His creations with an infallible text.  If you are one of these who promote or permit such actions, know this:  “The mocker seeks wisdom and finds none…” and “There is a way that seems right to man, but in the end it leads to death” (Proverbs 14:6a, 12). Your way may create avenues for a guilt-free lifestyle, but you will find no life through Jesus, only death through the devil.  To cast suspicion on Scripture, is to call God an incompetent trickster who can create the universe, yet is incapable of inspiring His creations to pen the Bible. 

Study God’s Word and consider these three points while reading: 

Revelation:  the act of God; the Holy Spirit imparting to the Bible writers truth incapable of being discovered by man’s unaided reasoning (1 Corinthians 2:10-12)

Inspiration: the act of God; the Holy Spirit enabling the Bible writers to write down in God-chosen words, without mistake, the truth that was revealed to them (1 Corinthians 2:13)

Illumination: the act of God; the Holy Spirit enabling believers to understand the truth given by revelation and written down through inspiration (1 Corinthians 2:14-16) 

God wants desperately for us to wake up.  Nonetheless, He will never relinquish His holiness and righteousness to appease our sensibilities.  Check out Psalm 50.  God is the Mightiest of the Mightiest.  The Lord speaks and summons the earth because it is His—it was made by Him and through Him.  From heaven God shines brightly and His glory overwhelms all.  Our Lord Jesus will come and will not delay nor will He be silent.  The elements will rage about Him like a swirling hurricane.  He will catch up into the air His “consecrated ones, who made a covenant with Him by sacrifice” (faith in His atoning death on the cross).  Then, He will call out to the heavens and earth for all created to be judged.  The heavens proclaim His genuine goodness; His right to call judgment out on the wicked, for He Himself is Judge.  “It is dreadful thing to fall into the hands of the living God” (Hebrews 10:31).   

God is not upset with His creations for the lack of prayers, service, and worship.  He is disappointed and angry at our allegiance to the world.  His well-being does not teeter-totter on what we offer Him through tithes and offerings, our gifts and talents, or our time.  Albeit, those are ideal avenues to prove our loyalty and love for Him, but He does not need them to survive.  He sees all, hears all, and knows all the motives of our hearts.  The creation is His; He merely wants glory and honor from those He has saved through the sacrifice of His Son.  How can we deny Him gratitude when He has given such a gift—eternal life through Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior? 

But many of today view God as in need of our attention.  Wrong.  He does not need us for survival, we need Him.  He desperately wants us to accept His Son.  Ultimately it is our choice to what our eternity will be—heaven or hell.  The choice has been laid bare in front of us; it is in no way God’s fault for what we choose.  A lot of Christians, nowadays, like to ride the fence.  Well, it’s either black or white; there is no grey in salvation.  It is either Jesus or Satan; Jesus or the world around us.  There is no middle ground.   

God desires and requires heart worship.  If our hearts and minds are set upon Jesus, our actions will follow suit.  Do not allow the world to dictate God’s stone-set way of salvation.  Following the world’s deluded way of being supreme to Jesus will cost you dearly in the end.  Don’t be blinded by technology and bad persons living in ease while the saved are persecuted. 

Do not doubt God's Word.  Do not dwell in life's distracting routine, forgetting God's presence and power.  Set your heart upon Jesus rather than the weekly schedule.  As believers in the true God, we must accept the gift of faith and trust God’s inerrant Word.  Nothing is impossible for the Almighty.    His Word was presented in the flesh (John 1).  Jesus came as God in man as the very Word of God.  He spoke the Father's words, He represented the Father, He advocated for Light over darkness.  God came to save us as one of us.  He sacrificed Himself to appease His holiness.  He gave Himself just like a parent to a child.  He is our Father.  Through Jesus I have been made right, or righteous, before God the Father.  How do I know this?  The Bible tells me so--and I trust it with my soul.  God is capable of presenting His written Word.  The Bible is truth.  Have faith in the Living God—He knows what He is doing.  In the end, doubt is defeated by sureness of what one hopes for and one's certainty of things not seen (Hebrews 11:1).  This is faith.

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