Saturday, August 10, 2013

"In God We Trust"--please

"In God We Trust"--that is what our nation is based upon. Sadly, it is nothing more than a motto nowadays. We are a nation who believes and follows technology, power, and prestige. God is an afterthought or more to the point a hindrance for many. Jesus has planted the Word of truth and many "Christians" have trampled it underfoot. Scripture is taught, heard, and professed, yet many fail to live it out. So many denominations have popped up, they're like convenient stores on every corner. 
God likes variety--this is obvious, just look at nature and humans created in His likeness. There is nothing wrong with variety in the church and how people worship differently. But, Jesus needs to be at the center. Without Him, there is no Christianity. Countless churches are divided and worldly within. Homosexuality is commonplace amongst many places of worship which biblically is confirmed as an abomination (Leviticus 18:22, 1 Corinthians 6:9, Romans 1:18-23). 1 Corinthians 6:9 also mentions the sexually immoral, adulterers, thieves, the greedy, swindlers, slanderers, and idolaters will not inherit the kingdom of God. 
Yet, take a look around. With a nation claiming "In God We Trust" and close to eighty percent professing Christianity, how can many churches not be twisted, or convoluted, in their actions and beliefs. This is a nation bent on me, me, me and that mentality has found it's way into modern Christianity. Jesus Christ did not come to form a religion. He did not come to lead others to lives fixated on self. He came to save the world from sin's condemnation and subsequent judgment. I have heard stated, "Religion is man going to God, Christianity is God coming to man." This succinctly describes many churches today. Religious platitudes are thought to lead us to salvation, when in fact it is Christ who came to earth which provides eternal life. The work has been done by Jesus on the cross, all we need to do is believe on Him--this is the core of grace--undeserved favor.

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