Saturday, August 10, 2013

Quick Perspective on Hypocrisy

I don't want persons thinking I believe the majority of Christians are hypocrites. This is not so. What I do feel, and see, is an overwhelming number claiming Christianity yet excluding Christ. Statistics show close to eighty percent of Americans are Christians and worldwide approx. 30,0000 sects claim Christianity—this simply cannot be. If this were true--why are there so many wars, why is there much hate, angst, and agitation? Some claim the morality of Christianity, but deny Jesus’ deity. Others believe in Jesus’ deity yet ignore His commandment of “love thy neighbor as thyself.” Great numbers just perpetuate the status quo by sheer apathy to those who are poor in spirit. What I mean to say, large numbers say or think they are Christian when in fact they are not.

This is not to say countless Christians are not genuine. Many are obvious ambassadors to the light of Christ, but they are far outnumbered, sad to say, by the world around them. This is the generation of apostasy—one without love, unforgiving, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, abusive, etc. And these same persons claim Christianity—huh?
This is my stance on hypocrisy in the church. I love the church as it is the body of Jesus, with Him being the Head, which is why I don't want the sin of disobedience, disloyalty, or denial to be what others continue to see. Many non-Christians see the discord and duplicity of those calling themselves Christians and want nothing to do with God's family. I find this sad and even sadder that few are doing anything to stop or change such views. Very few are standing along the wall in the gap exclaiming the truth of Christ(Ezekiel 22:30). As a consequence, the doctrine of darkness is pouring through an undefended wall breach.

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